Jun 5, 2010

News: Tens of thousands in KL hit out at US, Israel

From: Harakahdaily

KUALA LUMPUR, June 4: Pakatan Rakyat top brass joined tens of thousands of people today in a protest march to the United States embassy in Kuala Lumpur condemning the Israeli attack on ships carrying humanitarian aid to Gaza on May 31.

The protest began with a gathering after Friday prayers outside the Kampung Baru mosque and surrounding areas.

Right: Crowd at Kampung Baru preparing to march to Jalan Tun Razak

At around 3pm, the crowd, numbering more than 10,000, reached the US embassy at Jalan Tun Razak, with some holding portraits of the Iranian and Turkish leaders.

They were led by Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim, DAP advisor Lim Kit Siang and PAS deputy president Nasharuddin Mat Isa, as well as several Pakatan Rakyat MPs and NGO leaders.

The police, who earlier earned condemnation for saying that the gathering was 'illegal', did not attempt to stop the huge crowd, with traffic officers seen controlling the lunchtime traffic.

However, a cordon was formed to prevent the swelling crowd from pouring into the embassy premises.

Left: A section of the crowd in front of the US embassy

Later the police allowed Anwar, Nasharuddin and Kit Siang, PKR deputy president Syed Husin Ali and vice president Azmin Ali to enter the embassy compound to hand over a protest memorandum to the US government. They were seen leaving the embassy half an hour later, after meeting the US ambasador.

Read full text of memorandum here.

Earlier, PAS Youth, which has been instrumental in organising the protest, called on UMNO Youth head Khairy Jamaluddin to join the protest.

Instead, the latter stayed away from the huge crowd, and held a gathering of about 200 UMNO members at the National Mosque


Pacifist said...

Sampai bila pemimpin dunia Islam mahu berdialog dan berjabat tangan dengan zionis laknatullah? Sampai bila kita harus melihat umat Islam disembelih? Sampai bila jihad ilmu, ekonomi, hawa nafsu akan berakhir dan ditukar dengan jihad Al-Qital pula? Disaat tentera Zionis membantai umat Islam, kita masih berjihad hawa nafsu? Ketahuilah selagi kita masih bernyawa,selagi itulah jihad hawa nafsu tidak akan berakhir, sedangkan jihad Al-Qital hanya pada waktu-waktu tertentu. Para sahabat(Rasulullah) berjihad hawa nafsu setelah kembali dari medan perang, sedangkan kita menolak untuk berjihad dengan pelbagai alasan. Kenapa kita tidak berjihad dengan semua jihad yang ada, dan mengikut kesesuaian waktu dan masa? Kenapa kita mengambil tanggungjawab lain untuk mengelak tanggungjawab yang lain? Sedangkan tanggungjawab itu perlu dipenuhi secara berturutan? Kenapa takut dengan kalimah JIHAD? Saya bukan mengejar mati, tetapi lihatlah apa yang berlaku di Palestin dan tanggungjawab kita, dan jika kita masih di takuk lama. Maka, saksikanlah drama air mata ini hingga ke anak cucu kita. Katakan pada mereka, itu sudah nasib mereka(Palestin) dan tiada apa yg mampu dibuat oleh kita.

Ya Allah bukakanlah pintu hati-hati kami.

Pacifist said...

memang semua telah diceritakan dan diberitakan dlm al-Quran dan Hadith.seumpama kita sudah diberikan skrip ttg perkara dahulu,sekarang dan akan datang.cuma apa yg Allah lihat ialah usaha kita menjalankan kewajipan yg telah ditetapkan.walaupun kita kalah dlm peperangan sekarang,ia ttp harus dilakukan,kerana kita tidak tahu bila zaman yg dijanjikan itu.kerana jika kita duduk diam shj,tentulah hasilnya juga berbeza.sekurangnya t/jawab kita sbg umat hari ini sudah dijalankan,selebihnya serah pdNya utk menilai apa yg kita lakukan masa kita hidup

Anonymous said...

Woah so massive :) We had a turnout of a few hundred here and that's considered more than expected lol..

I remember someone condemning protests saying it was never done in Prophet (PBUH)'s time thus we shouldn't too. I find it slightly amusing because although it's true, we cannot compare our times with theirs. It may seem that protest won't benefit much but inshaAllah, I think if we let our voice heard - especially our government- they might be pressurised to act. One of which: cutting ties with Israel and that would be a victory for us at the very least.

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