Last week I bought this book at the airport bookshop. Found it rather interesting although I already have a few titles on the same issue. Well, one can never ignore something like this when one is a book lover and also interested in Islamic fashion.
Generally, it's very easy to read because the content is written in pointed numbers. For example under part 2 the discussion about Women's Clothes start with no 1 until 18 and continue with discussion about Hijaab and Purdah at no 19 and so on. This can be a book for a light and easy reading. Ones do not need to ponder upon certain things so much, just take your time.
Enough said, I'd like to quote some points under the later topic. This is 100% copied from the book. Just to share and would like to hear opinion from you.
19. Hijaab (Arabic and Urdu word) and Purdah (Persian, Urdu and English word) means separation between males and females. Free mixing of sexes is Haraam (strictly forbidden) in Islam.
20. Mixing of sexes is only allowed:
a. Amongst the Mahareem;
b. Due to necessity, such as, medical treatment and emergency
21. When a Muslim woman, whether young or old, has to go out of the house for a valid reason and necessity, it is Wajib (compulsory) on her to follow the Qur'aanic instructions and the teachings of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam as stated below:
a. She must cover her entire body, head to feet, with a thick and loose outer garment (Qur'aan 33:59).
b. She should put on a veil. The veil should cover the hair (including the plaits and ponytail), ears and the neck, and it should extend to the breasts.
c. She should not apply perfume when going out. Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said the woman who perfumes herself and passes through a group of people so that her scent reaches them, is like the person who commits unlawful sex.
d. She should not go out wearing attractive clothes and with cosmetics, such as nail polish, lipsticks, eye shadow, mascara, blushers etc.
e. She should not wear jingling (sound making) ornaments, such as anklets (Qur'aan 24:31).
f. She should not wear clothes for show and self publicity.
g. She should keep her eyes down, that is, not to stare at ghair-Mahraam (Qur'aan 24:31).
h. She should not leave the house without the prior permission of the husband, parents or guardian. If she has to travel more than 48 Islamic miles, or go on a journey of one day and one night or more, then her husband or a Mahraam should accompany her. (A proper Mahram is one who has reached puberty and is God-fearing).
i. She should not speak to a ghair-Mahram in a sweet and soft tone. The talk should always be necessary talk and business-like (Qur'aan 33:32).
j. She should not walk in a manner which invites attention.
This book is written by Rashid A. Diwan and published by Adam Publishers & Distributors. I tried looking for his profile on the net but to no avail. Just for a better judgement and reference.
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Wa'alaikummussalam malizea,
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