Previously, you can also buy these items from all the online shopping malls, boutiques or even home-based businesses that sell them. It's not difficult at all because these businesses has already been linked to the items in Polyvore. You just learn from trials and error in finding them, just like me.
Well, would mind giving me some comments regarding all this sets? I'll be looking forward to hear from you.
Start from here ...
No idea by hanniaziz

Purple Wednesday by hanniaziz

Going Out for Dinner by hanniaziz

Going to Work by hanniaziz

Office Wear by hanniaziz

Today's Assemble by hanniaziz

My Style by hanniaziz

Simply Modest by hanniaziz

Wedding Function by hanniaziz
well very difficult to choose they all of them look good well maybe the third one!! :)
malizea - mmm... personally, I love that one more too
rambang mata tgk gmbr2 tu... suka semuanya... sha dah try nak main2 kat polyvore tp mcm lmbt nak loading...
I'm most attracted to the Going To Work assemble....simply gorgeous!!
Good job, as usual!!
Sha - pakai eyemo ya, hehehe. polyvore tu kdg2 laju terutama subuh2 lepas tu ikut mood dia sb dah ramai pengguna dah
wow i love them, the first 3 are my favourite!
Kak An - thanks for your opinion, I think I have an abaya in that colour.
abaya chic - thank you, thank you. so the blue one is already 2 votes
im not a niqabi but i like set 2,4and 7 :)
You must be a purple person right?
ya saya mengaku hehehe..
Got you!
i love the four first ones! i´m huge fan of purple! the second one i would wear to eid fest with maybe less jewellery :) love the abaya! first and fourth wwould be nice for school and everyday-wear :) can´t wait for ramadan <3
i´m a bit late commentor in this :/
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