I wish for Miss Farrashah (pinky abaya) but I was allowed to order Miss Najmah (grey lining). Anyway, it's still an abaya.
Ever since I know it I seem to be heading it's way almost daily. The prices are quite reasonable and I believe the owner is an honest retailer. Just a click away. Have a look.
These are some of the abayas that MISS ABAYA sells.
Click on the image to enhance the size.
I think I'm falling in love with abayas. In my actual wardrobe I have lots of jilbab mostly greenish and purplish. However lately I've develop a sense of happiness when I wear an abaya. Currently I have 5 black abayas and I'm ordering a new one.
Oh, the owner of the e-shop is AYU... what a nice name.
You should give this e-shop a visit.
I think I'm falling in love with abayas. In my actual wardrobe I have lots of jilbab mostly greenish and purplish. However lately I've develop a sense of happiness when I wear an abaya. Currently I have 5 black abayas and I'm ordering a new one.
Oh, the owner of the e-shop is AYU... what a nice name.
You should give this e-shop a visit.

Assalamualaikum kakchik!
Ohh terharunya!ya..benar-benar terharu!Jazakillahi khairan jaza'.
Sebelum ni menjadi peminat kakchik dibelakang tabir saja tup tup..dipromote kakchik pula!ahaks..
thank u so much ya!
kebelakangan tak sempat nak updet blog tu coz kami akan balik msia for good akhir feb..
insyallah awal mac dah sampai pasir puteh!hehe..
syukran sekali lagi ya!
Wa'alaikumsalam Ayu.
Sama-sama. KakChik ni memang suka abaya dan berkenalan pulak dgn blog Ayu tu. Takde salahnya tolong promo, kot-kot le ada juga teman-teman lain yang berminat.
Skrg ni Ayu sdg belajar ke kerja kat sana tu? Dan org pasir puteh rupanya... tu kg suami KakChik tu.
Balik buka kedai abaya kat sinilah pulak.
Salam KakChik,
Is there any way I could order an abaya from Kelantan? Susah nak dapatkan yang elok (yg saya berkenan la,hahaha) di sini, mahal pula. Berminat tgk abaya yang ada dalam website ni.
Wa'alaikumsalam Kak Aliya.
If you mean the abaya that I've featured here, you can contact Ayu Suhana of blog MISS ABAYA. But if you mean other abayas that I can find in Kelantan's market, insya-Allah I can try to help. Probably you could email me your size (height, lebar bahu & pinggul) and also color apa yg akak suka. Boleh KakChik tolong carikan.
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