This is my 4 your old niece, Amreena. She really likes imitating me. I've just received a new abaya that day and it comes with a shayla. I was trying it out in front of the mirror and she was standing there beside me looking at me and asking so many questions.
And then she said, "Chikja... Nana nak pakai tudung Chikja macam Chikja pakai pegi keje." Which basically means she wants to wear the hijab just like me when I'm off to work.
And the pictures here showed how she looks like wearing the shayla that has a niqab. She insist that she wants the niqab. Hehehe that's my niece.
After a while she wants to take it off because she said it's hot. Kids.
Angelic darling. :) Good to start 'em young.
wow so good
hurm she so cute
kak chik shayla is what?
i know niqab already
Hajar, so far she's the only who can really put on hijab for quite a long time. The others just wear to preschool.
xuen, shayla is a big long rectangle hijab. malay call it 'selendang' but this shayla is famous in the Gulf. usually it's black.
masha´allah! she is very beautiful!
Well, one has to start from somewhere. :) May she grows up to be a pious muslimah. :)
LOL kakchik, I like how you ended your post- "she said it's hot. kids"
HAHA. You made me laugh....
Anywya awww so cute..! you must have been a good example to her. Kids are impressionable nowadays and they catch on a lot of things real fast. The other day, my mom told me that her friend's granddaughter loves watching MTV and one day, whilst my mom's friend was in the kitchen, she went in and proudly showed off her midriff which she imitated from the girls on tv. She lifted her shirt and tied it halfway. And to think that she is only 5 years old!! SubhanAllah!
I would definitely try to be the best example to my niece as well. Basic foundation about Islam is very important and I don't want her imitating others as well.
OMG, She is so cutee,,,,
loveeee her :)
Thank you Cecilia.
Yes, Hajar. You're right Sis. I hope one day I can teach my child the best things about Islam. Start early is better.
Asha, alhamdulillah I've been trying my best to be a good example to everyone including my nieces although I do not succeed in everything because influences can come from so many factors especially the TV. Well, good luck to us both to set a good example to the beloved people near us.
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