I just fell in love with the maxi! Really love it! Oh, if only it's shorter... I would definitely buy it. The material is very soft and cool to my touch. Simply good in humid weather.

That's me beside the mannequins. I was hoping that the stall would has a smaller size but nope, they were out of stock for small ones. That was the time that I wish I'm taller, hehehe. Anyway, it's not worth it because it's only a dress and I might find another good one. Insya-Allah.

The first time wearing this niqab in public and with a grey hijab, not a black one. I feel weird but that's the only hijab left that I brought with me to KL. The other one is purple.
went shopping?
look u had so much fun
the maxi is almost the same with what u r wearing
nice 1...
but i was forbidden(xla forbidden.ditegah je.hehe) from wearing that maxi/kimono dress anymore...huaaaaa
Asalaam walikum
mashAllah your soo coool!
i loooove this dress... recently sha pun byk jumpa dress yg mcm ni.... heheh tak sabar nak make one of my own..
p/s: Sha dah semakin pandai bermain2 dgn kain (potong2 kain)...
The black niqab and grey hijab look good together, and they match the rest of your outfit too. It doesn't look weird at all.
xuen, actually I was in KL to visit the MPH Warehouse Sale. Since it's my last day there, big bro brought me to Subang Parade to find some nice shoes but to no avail. My small feet make it difficult to find suitable ones.
Looking from the pic, yes, it looks the same but actually it's way different.
nona, why forbidden? is it something to do with the wide opening at the chest area or something else?
My dear Almallena, I'm trying to be cool, LOL.
Sha, I do believe that you can sew one yourself soon. And that maybe can fit you nicely.
Thanks Megan. That's nice to hear although I'm still feel weird, lol
Assalamualaikum wr wb, kakchik
I never know that u are a fashion-watcher..
I should admitt that the dress is nice to u, sist.. :D
Wa'alaikummussalam Putri.
Hehehe, now that you know that I am interested in fashion, what do you think of that?
Regarding that dress, thanks.
Salaam Kakchik,
Anna bi khair? :)
You don't look weird at all! It actually matches your whole outfit so don't worry about it. Anyway, I've always thought that when you wear niqaab, you should be wearing abaya/jilbab. I think so as long as you are wearing loose, modest clothes, it should be ok right? Not that I think it is wrong, just that I keep thinking if I want to wear niqaab, I must have a wardrobe full of abayas to go along with it.. Sorry though for my ignorance =X
kakchik- coz when i wear those maxi and kimono dress,it's kind of showing the curve of my body which is totally hated by my love.huhu...
he did approve for maxi dress but for kimono dress,he dun like it.coz the material is lycra.sgt melekap di badan.huhu...
theres a pic of me wearing maxi dress in myblog.which i think xlah melekap sgt coz die kembang.sbb tu approved by him.haha..
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