Picture courtesy from Google. I think these Muslimah are Indian Muslims or Pakistani. Beautiful.
Assalamualaikum to all my dear readers.
Have you ever came across any articles saying that Muslimah cannot wear colourful clothing? Well, I beg to differ. Although I'm a niqabi and like wearing dark dresses especially black abayas, I won't say it's haram to wear colours.
Allah is Jamiilun which means He likes beautiful things and beautiful things come from a wide variety of colours. And beauty is so subjective too. IMHO, as long as we cover ourselves modestly and the only intention is to please Allah, then go ahead. And please do not judge other Muslimah who wears colourful attire because some time it got to do with cultures and backgrounds.
The things that we need to remember are:
- the dress should be covering the aurah - aurah compliance
- does not attract attention - depends on situation
- makes us feel humble to our Creator
As for me, I wear colourful dresses almost everyday. If the colour is too bright, I'll put on a black abaya on top. Just try to be comfortable, confident yet enjoying the beautiful colours of materials. As long as it's aurah compliance.
"Muslims should possess both an inner and outer modesty. This is reflected in behavior, speech and appearance, and includes being mindful of God at all times."Read more: "Modesty (Haya) in Islam: Shyness and Modest Behavior According to Qur’an and Hadith" - http://quran-hadith-studies.suite101.com/article.cfm/modesty_haya_in_islam#ixzz0EYW5L1TL&A
thx 4 da info
miss ya
W'alaikum salam my dear sister,
I couldn't agree with you more, I like to wear colorful things and to be honest with you, if I were to wear all black/grey/dark clothes I'd stick out like a sore thumb over here...
BTW, I loved the green ensemble you were wearing the other day, very pretty masha'allah! :o)
I have heard that red is coulor you should try to avoid to wear but I don´t know if it is true
Assallam Aliekum aapi...i love indian dresses....and i do dress somewhat lik them..i loved how they matched the color of the scarf with their dress still had the dupatta separately with them....(teh one in teh left and in the right)
The colors are so vibrant, specially teh pinkish red..ma fav..i loved this pic...
can ya pls upload more pic on indian/pakistanis style :)
xuen - you are welcome my dear.
Dear Melda :o),
You are right sis. In some places, wearing dark clothes can be attracting more attention then colourful ones. The same thing happens here a decade ago but now either you wear colourful or black mostly people would ignore.
Oh, that green assemble! Syukran sis, that dress was made nearly 7 years ago and the colour has faded a little. It's common to wear like that here.
Dear Cecilia,
From what I understand women can wear any colours they like. There's no saying of the Prophet or an ayah in the Qur'an that prohibit Muslimah from wearing red.
And I also read that men are forbidden from wearing red. There's one article mentioning this but I prefer to look for more info from scholars.
If you'd like to read about it, here's the link: http://www.ummah.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-4923.html
Wa'alaikummussalam ●๋•guℓѕнαn●๋•™.
Is duppata the same as a shawl? India is one very colourful country and their clothing are mostly vibrant in colours.
I think I have a few pics of Indian/Pakistani attire, maybe I'll upload in another post.
Assallam aliekum aapi..yes the dupatta isvery much the shawl...matching the dress..actually completing it...its even called odhni, chunri etc. :)
Goodness gracious! I'm blinded by the blazing colors! I can never wear such vibrant shades ...
Colors are really good ... I'm trying to experiment wearing other shades, but it gets frustrating when I can never get the ones that I want. Aih~
Wa'alaikummussalam Gulshan.
Oh, now I have a new Hindi vocab, hehehe. Wow! There're so many name for a shawl. Interesting!
Hajar, do wear a shades sis. I'm afraid you'll get blinded, eheh.
Yes, they are really vibrant and I would have to agree with you that I can't wear this bright colours myself.
But Indian/Pakistani are really colourful. It's in their nature.
LoL~ I suppose I'm more inclined to wearing pastel tones. :)
Yeap, have to agree with you on that. Some of my Indian/Pakistani friends clothes are extremely colorful! I used to think they're dressing up for some kind of special function ... but that's just how the culture is. The moment they start to drape the shawl around me, that's the time I squirm away. Too bright! Haha~
good info kakchik! sha pun confused dlm bab2 mcm ni... so skang takler risau nak berbaju merah & colorful lagi... yg penting tutup aurat...
Hajar, most of us seems to like pastel compared to brighter ones because it wouldn't be that attention-grabber, I do too. You, a baju kurung girl would definitely squirm away from all those bright colours.
Sha, I was just sharing my knowledge and opinion about colours for our attire. We can colourful but aurah compliance.
salam kak Chik,
You've changed my perspective about coloured abayas. Now I'm thinking to move on wearing more colourful abayas but yet more subtle and not that striking colours suitable with my age.
wkslm kak azah.
no problem kak... alhamdulillah. the choice is ours and we know which colour suites us better. i wonder which subtle colours are suitable for you?
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