Assalamualaikum dear friends. This is my short rest before I continue doing my research paper. I was trying to make the video again for how to do my hijab-niqab but it doesn't come out nice. I also took some pictures that I might need to edit before I can show it to you. I know, some of you must be thinking why is it so difficult for me to show it. Well, it's technical but it got to do with showing my face etc. Anyway, I'll fulfill my promise don't worry.
Let's take a look at my assemble for 3 days. Please excuse the background because it will look the same since I'm in my office.
Shall we?
This is what I'm wearing right now while I'm typing this entry. A light pink hijab and a darker pink open front abaya. Insya-Allah my posting about how to do my hijab-niqab is in this assemble.
Let's take a look at my assemble for 3 days. Please excuse the background because it will look the same since I'm in my office.
Shall we?
This is what I'm wearing right now while I'm typing this entry. A light pink hijab and a darker pink open front abaya. Insya-Allah my posting about how to do my hijab-niqab is in this assemble.
This is yesterday, 5th. May - black beaded abaya and a gray printed hijab. My most beloved black abaya and most beloved grey hijab.
And lastly my assemble for Monday, a purple printed abaya matched with a light purple hijab.
Sorry for not much of an intelligent post.
Just light and easy.
Mmmm... that's all for now.
ur office look like a home.. so nice.. btw i have one question how to eat if u r wearing niqab?
xuen, yes... we decorate our offices to look like home to make us more comfortable to work, lol. and if I want to eat, I'll make sure I bring the food to our pantry and just open the niqab and eat. while eating outside, I'll bring along my half niqab and just pull it up a little and just eat or, we usually find a secluded table and I'll make sure I faced my friends/walls to eat if I didn't bring the half-niqab. Easy.
salams kak chik...bagusnya kak chik pakai niqab. decent sangat.
saya nak tanya aikit...sejak bila kak chik start pakai niqab? apa yang mendorong kak chik pakai niqab? saya pun berminat jugak. saya tengok video2 dari internet pasal niqab, diaorang semua strong women. respect sangat kat diaorng. sama cam saya respect ngan kak chik. hehe..dah lama saya nak tanya sebenarnya, tapi takut privacy sangat. sorry kalau menyentuh privacy.
Wa'alaikummussalam Baran.
Terima kasih ya, ehehe. Yang sebenarnya kakchik dah berniqab sejak 13 yg lepas. Mula pakai masa tahun 2 di USM. Dorongan utamanya ialah rasa ingin meningkatkan Takpe Baran tanya sebab bukan privacy pun. Kakchik memang suka kalau ada yg tanya kenapa pakai niqab. Selepas berniqab kakchik jadi lebih berkeyakinan dan rasanya amat syukur kerana diri kakchik dinilai kerana kemampuan & kemahiran kakchik terutama bila memohon kerja. Niqab ini menyelesaka diri dan juga menjadi wasilah dakwah kakchik. Alhamdulillah. Cabaran pun kuat,ada yg tak dapat komit & buka separuh jalan. Bagi kakchik niqab boleh menaikkan imej wanita Islam.
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