3 different colours of cloths will be turn into hijabs and niqabs, soon.
Assalamualaikum dear readers. May all of you are in good health and enjoying your life wherever you are.
I was quite exhausted after completing several chores since this morning. Thursday is always a busy day for me. This is the day when I have to go to the banks, post office, my bookshop, shopping for groceries, take care of my nieces and wash the ever mounting of clothes (got to do the ironing and sorting later tonight). Well, all these works make me out of ideas and a bit lazy to update.
Anyway, I promise a blogger friend last night that I'm posting a picture of some clothing that I'm making into hijabs and niqabs. Actually, I'm going to help her making them. I was telling myself, "Hey, it's been almost 3 years since I last sew a hijab and niqab. My skills might be rusty. LOL, what would she think when she saw the hijabs and niqabs. What was I thinking?". However, I choose to help her because I just like helping people especially if the help in need is related to clothing.
So... my friend, I hope you'll like the colours. Oh, there are 3 because 1 is mine. If you happen to like all 3, I'll let you have them. InsyaAllah I'll email you the prices later. Hopefully my connection will be good tonight because the weather looks very good. There won't be rain tonight. I really pray for that. Please Allah.
Got to go now. Hubby's just came home and he would want some afternoon tea. Wassalam.
Salaam alaikum,
Wow, you make your own niqabs? Masha'Allah, that's so cool! Could you post how you make them?
UniMuslimah - Wa'alaikummussalam sis. Yes, I do make some of my niqabs by myself. InsyaAllah I'll try making a post about how to do it.
bolehlah kakchik open small business for niqab... Sha akan tolong jualkan kat kedai Sha in the future...
Sasha - tak taulah Sha. Kalau kakchik dah tak keje makan gaji, boleh kot tapi 'in the future' la kan.
Assalammualaikum Kak Chik ....
Errr, rasa2 nya mcm berkenan lah kat tiga3 kaler tu .. sudi apalah kiranya Kak Chik jahitkan semua kain2 tu untuk saye ... hiksss ;). *baekkkk punye ayat yeee*
Insya-Allah saya akan poskan contoh hijab dan niqab saya esok ya. Mekasih banyak2 ye Kak Cik .. Allah sja yg dpt membalas budi baik Kak Cik :)
Wa'alaikummussalam Ahlia.
Kalau Ahlia suka kesemuanya, kakchik pun no prob.
Jadi sebelum kakchik potong, kakchik tunggulah sampel sampai dulu. Agaknya hari Isnin/Selasa baru sampai kot.
Assalammualaikum wrt wbt ....
Kak Cik, saya dah poskan pagi tadi. Insya-Allah esok atau lusa sampai kot.
Kak cik ... terima kasih sekali lagi.
assalamualaikum,kak chik.
tbaca post akak kat blog ni.ain kat sini memang tcari-cari tempat yang boleh jahitkan ain niqab dan hijab.nak cari yang sudah siap jahit di kedai lagilah payah.jika ada pun yg jenis niqab arab satu lapis.tapi singkat dan hanya satu warna sahaja.
jika tempat kak chik ada sesiapa yg blh tolong jahitkn,ain tak keberatan utk bayar utk upah jahit ddan kainnya sekali.lagipun kak chik lebih tahu jenis kain yg sesuai.apa apa nanti akak email kat ain ye!
tq kak!
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