Shoes are something very dear to me just like my abayat. But this kind of shoes with unique heels are something I've never tried before. I love simple kind of shoes with normal heels.
I really hope that friend would read this post although it's long overdue.
Dear friend, if you happen to read this and still looking for this kind of shoes, please visit this blogshop, Orange Little for more details on the shoes.
And thank you to bubbly for the link.
afwan kak chik :)
naz tak minat la plak klu tumit ada love camtu. hehe. klu wedges sukeee sangat! ;)
As salam alaykum,
aww those shoes are so cute :) I love Asian fashion!
bubbly - syukran again
naz, kakchik pun sama naz. entri ni kakchik buat pun sebab teringatkan kawan luar negara yg pernah tanya pasal kasut cam tu. hehe, kita ni hantu wedges kan.
Wa'alaikummussalam Hijab Chic.
You like it?
Are you the one asking me about this?
I just can't remember who but I'm glad you like it.
Kakchik: Oh I love it! :)
Yes I guess I was the one who asked you about these shoes, thank you so much for posting this link. Too bad they don't have my size... But I'll email them. Thanks Sister!
kak Chik, boleh lihat di
tapi sizenya kecil la. Kalau kaki Kak Chik, muat kot. :D
Hijab Chic, I thought so. I'm glad that now I know you are the 'friend', alhamdulillah. I hope they can find one that can suit your feet.
suri, terima kasih. kakchik tak minat nak beli kasut cam tu. yang sebenarnya kakchik tolong carikan untuk Hijab Chic dari Finland tu. Dia suka fesyen Asia.
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