And they can be hijabified too. Just add a hijab and you will be fully covered. It suits the Islamic dress code very well.
Would you wear it?
Does anyone knows what is a hanbok? To know more, just click here.
Image source: Freewebs

Image source: About Shera

Image source:

Image source: SDBjjang
And here's a simple set that I've made just now.
Hanboks are definitely gorgeous and I've heard they're really easy to wear. Great set!
Yes, Noor. From a few websites that I've look into just now, it's quite easy to wear hanbok but you need a helper to tie the ribbons at the back. They are such gorgeous dresses.
Too bad it is pretty expensive... ><
Beautiful dresses but doubt I'll wear it! I'll prob end up cleaning the whole of sgp if I do so hehe :P
If nothing else,these dresses sure look very particular.Hm,I don't think I really like them :).
But,I'm very glad you posted about them,because I didn't know of such dresses.
While in Seoul, I spent hours staring at them...the colours are out of this world,so dazzling!!...and I was told they use natural dye, thus, the dear price.
Lemon, it's because they were exclusively made.
theonekhalil, lol... yeah, you are probably right. I don't think I would wear it too but just to try in on will be such wonderful experience.
JASMINA, even though you don't like them, I think you would agree that they are pretty right?
Alhamdulillah because I have helped you gained new knowledge. I'm so glad to hear that.
Kak An, you should have asked Abe Mie to buy one for you hehe. Wear it for Raya, lol.
about 4 years ago i thought about this pattern of dresses for my wedding gown, hehehe..but of course i cant find a good tailor to sew it for me..:)
Yes they're pretty indeed :)!
azniza, it would be such a different kind of wedding dress for a malay to wear hanbok but i think you would look sweet in it.
kakchik, in the end i choose to design two abayaat for my wedding dress..but hanbok is always my dream dress..they are beautiful and modest and added with a hijab, aurah is well covered..i also choose to wear abayaat as my wedding dress during our wedding ceremony in my in laws house..and it does give a difference because they never saw a bride wearing jubah or abayaat..:)
azniza, I did saw you wedding pic in facebook. you look lovely in your abaya and both of us have made history in our wedding attire. congrats to us both. nowadays, wedding abayaat has become common, isn't it?
MashaAllah, I love how modest they look. I really wonder how it would look together with the scarf.
Adib, yes, I love them too. I am looking for a pic of a Korean Muslim friend who wears hanbok with a hijab but still to no avail. Insyaallah if I find it, I'm gonna paste it here.
salam.. since u r talking about these hanbok thing, i wanna ask u sumthing, is there any shop in m'sia that sell hanbok or a person who can make it.. just curious bout this thing but couldn't find any info.. tq in advance.
wkslm lady wu matt.
I'm really sorry this. So far I've never heard of any shop selling hanbok in Malaysia. I know about this traditional Korean dress through my observation during watching many of their dramas and it really makes me interested and inspired.
Mashallah, lol I have been watching too many movies this evening and wanted to know more about the hijab friendly garments the women were wearing and bumped into this post. I am thinking of making myself one Inshallah. BTW I live in Utah, USA.
Oh forgot to mention I wouldn't be making it in traditional colors though. I am 1 of the total of 2 niqabi sisters here in my small city. I stick out enough lol alhumdulillah. Solid to and bottom. I'm thinking navy Inshallah.
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