Assalamualaikum everyone... peace and blessings for our beloved prophet, Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. And happy night to all of you.
First and foremost, I'd like to thank all of you who have come for a visit and leaving messages for me while I'm not around. My class for May semester has started today and I have to attend 3 classes, 2 on Friday and 1 on Saturday on every week 1 and 3 of every month until the end of July. Actually... I have been online in between classes but can't write anything or respond to your messages because I'm easily feel tired this days. It was tiring to drive from home to my university and this is the time when I wish I have a chauffeur, hehehe. And the sore throat and cold is starting too. All make me want to just lie down and rest with a good book.
After my afternoon class I went to KF Collection to collect Stylomom's dress that was suppose to be collected yesterday but yesterday I was more tired than today after a busy morning schedule at my bookshop and some errands at the town. So ... I slept for almost 3 hours after Zuhr (end result - I can't sleep early last night although I tried so hard).
That's all I can write about my day. Before I pen off, let's see what I've wore yesterday and today and some dresses that are sold at KF Collection.
Yesterday's attire - a blue Indonesian abaya with my fav grey hijab. The mirror in OPTIMO Boutique makes me looks like a dwarf. LOL

And this is today's attire - a light green abaya and a matching printed hijab.
And these are some of the items that can be found at KF Collection.

The black blouse is under stock clearance, price reduce from RM60 to RM25. Size 46, only 1 left.
p/s: Alexandreya, there's a white KEBAYA of size L that is under stock clearance. If it is your size and you are interested, I can help you get it. It's the white one in the 2nd pic.

The newest arrivals - abayas. I've bought the one on the left.
Ada 1 baju. Ia umpama baju yang dipakai kaum india. Tapi dia macam baju kurung tapi ada seluar. Kira seluar longgar yang memang tak ketat. Tau tak apa nama baju tu?
sorry banyak sangat tapi2.
Khairul, baju tersebut dipanggil salwaar-khameez.
salwaar khameez?... kurtaz je yg sha kenal baju ala2 india... & Hubby mmg buat collection... mana nak cari yea?... seronoklah tgk kakchik enjoy shopping baju... suka juga tgk jari kakchik yg cantik berinai...
You're tagged! ^^
Btw, I know you're unwell + crammed with stuff at the moment so take your time alright? No worries, no rush, no stress. Take care! :)
Sha, kurtaz is only for men but salwar kameez is for women. This dress looks like our mini jubah with pants. You can have a look at the samples here: very beautiful
My dear Hajar... ok la... I'll do it later when there's some free time.
Thanks for understanding sis.
As Salaamu 'alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatu,
First time i've visited your blog and MashaAllah it's very nice! I absolutely love love your beautiful green abaya and matching hijab MashaAllah TabarakaAllah!
wa Salaamu 'alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatu,
Your sister in Islam,
London, England
Wa'alaikummussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu Sacrifice4Allah.
Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment. And thank you too for liking my blog. Hehe, that green abaya is old but I still love wearing it because of the comfortable material which was very expensive but good quality. Syukran sis. It was custom made.
Pls come again next time.
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