Assalamualaikum to all my dear friends and readers. Thanks for dropping by KakChik's Wardrobe and hopefully there's something interesting here for you. I pray that all of us are always in good health and under the mercy of Allah Ta'ala.
2 days ago I wrote a post about 2 nice hijab styles and an acquaintance asked me what's the magazine that I referred. Here it is... NUR Seleksi 88 Ikatan Tudung which is only RM10.90. You can buy this from my bookshop, MariBaca. If you are interested to have it as your collection.
2 days ago I wrote a post about 2 nice hijab styles and an acquaintance asked me what's the magazine that I referred. Here it is... NUR Seleksi 88 Ikatan Tudung which is only RM10.90. You can buy this from my bookshop, MariBaca. If you are interested to have it as your collection.

Let's take a look at some of the styles featured inside the magazine.

This one (pic below) is for the wedding attire.

Actually the magazine is devided into 4 section featuring hijab styles suitable for:
- office
- casual
- dinner
- wedding
I have issues with some of the styles because for me they are not really covering the aurah properly. For example, styles that do not cover the chest area. However, if you are creative and know how to improvise, I think you can still use this as a guide and create your own styles.
For me, always try to be ORIGINAL and UNIQUE (this is my motto for Polyvore, hehehe).
lolx the moto i like it
owh lucky u,kakchik
i always want a bookshop
thanks... and you can dream now but slowly plan for it. i used to dream for my own bookshop since i'm in form IV and alhamdulillah it has come true.
seronok tgk cara2 ikatan tu... but in the end we'll stuck in the same way of wearing tudung... LOL!
Memang betul Sha. Tapi macam kakchik ni mmg tak pernah nak try buat pelbagai ikatan tu, sentiasa dgn fesyen sendiri, hehehe.
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