I saw her picture in a local Muslimah magazine, ANIS. She was featured in a section about Mualaf.
The mag usually styled their guest with sponsored clothes and I think what Leya's wearing is one of them. The style looks sweet.
In Malaysia this type of dress/maxi is suitable with the current warm weather.
I like the yellow and white combination.
Looks fresh and cheerful.
I would wear this kind of maxi but with a longer & bigger hijab to cover up the shape of the arm that was caused by the rather fit long sleeves inner.
Or maybe I just add on a jacket but... it will be hot and sweaty. So back to the first choice.
What about you? Do you wear maxies?
And this is my suggestion:
they both look beautiful. loved the dress you picked out!
Thanks Ange!
i like maxi...
this kind of maxi is soo popular now!! wish to fill up my wardrobe with more of this... Jom kita ber'maxi' kakchik!
tak pernah lg pakai maxi. teringin jugak ;)
mmg cantek maxi dlm gamba nih. kak chik mmg pandai pilih la~
nurzy, dah ada maxi ke?
Sasha, I already have so many maxies so I won't be adding anymore. But I think you would look fabulous if your wear maxi of course make sure the top is not that tight hehehe.
nadxoxo, kat Malaysia ni maxi ada macam2 jenis, best pakai maxi ni sebab dia cool dan berangin, tak la panas bila pakai.
tima kasih nad... hehehe, tgh belajar susun set lagi ni.
be my fashion instructur
xuen, is that a REQUEST? huhu! would love to.
belum ada
susah tol nak cari yg sepadan dgn ketinggian...nanti singkat...
nurzy, upah jahit je, hehehe
Is maxi supposed to be a dress? Sorry ... I'm totally ignorant with fashion terms. :( Anyway, if it's a dress ... no. I haven't worn any in ages.
hajar, i thought so... it's mostly wears during the spring/summer but in malaysia it can be wear all year round depend on how you styled it. I don't own this kind of maxi either. Mine usually sewn by my dressmaker complete with a loose long sleeve.
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