It was a very hectic yet fun day for me. Today's the last day of our bookfair and I just came home from the Hall after repacking all the unsold books. Alhamdulillah... although the sale was a bit drop compared to last year, I still want to think positive. Apart from the not very inspiring sale, we managed to secure a few business dealings with some schools. After the school holidays, we are going to round the state capital promoting our books. Insya-Allah.
Mmm... it's almost 12.30am and I am having my SNACK.
It was a very hectic yet fun day for me. Today's the last day of our bookfair and I just came home from the Hall after repacking all the unsold books. Alhamdulillah... although the sale was a bit drop compared to last year, I still want to think positive. Apart from the not very inspiring sale, we managed to secure a few business dealings with some schools. After the school holidays, we are going to round the state capital promoting our books. Insya-Allah.
Mmm... it's almost 12.30am and I am having my SNACK.

After helping my beloved hubby and assistants packing the books and sending those boxes back to our bookshop, I came home with a VERY HUNGRY STOMACH. Upon looking in the kitchen, there are so many interesting ingredients but I'm SO TIRED so I make this SLURPY YUMMY INSTANT CURRY MEE with some added vege, chicken meat, meatballs and an egg.
I don't thing I can finish the whole plate. Let's save some for dear hubby. He's not home yet. Needs to send the van back to the school. I drove my car and he drove the van. Both vehicles can occupy all the boxes and shelves.
A picture at the bookfair. A small interested customer looking at the books while his sisters are discussing about which books to buy.

And here's me last night and the make-shift payment counter.

Got to go now. It will be hard to sleep after 12. Huhu... what shall I do now? Maybe read a book or... Zikr to sleep.
a nice day u got there
xuen, alhamdulillah. Thank God for giving me the strength.
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