Assalamualaikum dear readers. I just want to ask you one question? Have you ever seen a Muslim actress wearing a full covered clothes with a very perfect hijab? Me? No, I haven't seen any except for Waheeda. And last night I was searching for some info on my two new books, Ketika Cinta Bertasbih 1 and Ketika Cinta Bertasbih 2. Sorry my friends, I don't know how to translate that into English. Well they're books, actually Islamic novels written by a well known Indonesian author, Habiburrahman el-Shirazi who also wrote the bestseller novel Ayat-Ayat Cinta (The Verses of Love) which has been produced as a film.
There, enough of the history side, let's get back to my subject.
Ketika Cinta Bertasbih was also adapted into a movie which is not shown in Malaysia yet. Anyway, the main issue here is THE LEADING LADY of the film. Subhanallah... I really fell for her instantly. I would say that she's the first actress that I really really like.
Ok, this is the film poster. She's the one in dark pink.

What I like most about her is that she maintains wearing the big hijab either outside or inside the movie.
These are some of her pics that I googled from the Net. All credits go to whoever own these pics and hopefully it's ok for me to copy them from Google.
Sweet in white...

I LOVE this whole outfit. I think I'm gonna copy it. Light printed purple abaya with a same matching hijab. That looks like a 60" hijab to me.

Blue also looks good on her.

She has such a sweet smile that makes her whole face radiant.

This is one of the scene from the movie. Nice abaya...

Her smiles... wow...

I think this one is a promo shoot with her two leading actors. This abaya again...

Oki during a press conference with all 5 main actors & actresses. I like her attire here too.

Going somewhere with the other actors.

Nice picture.

A group pic with ... I don't know who but I love her purple attire and also the lime abaya wears by the 5th lady from the right.

And this is the two books that I'm planning to read before I found the internet link to the movie.

Last but not least, a sweet smile from Oki Setiana Dewa or just OKI.

What do you think about her style?
There, enough of the history side, let's get back to my subject.
Ketika Cinta Bertasbih was also adapted into a movie which is not shown in Malaysia yet. Anyway, the main issue here is THE LEADING LADY of the film. Subhanallah... I really fell for her instantly. I would say that she's the first actress that I really really like.
Ok, this is the film poster. She's the one in dark pink.

What I like most about her is that she maintains wearing the big hijab either outside or inside the movie.
These are some of her pics that I googled from the Net. All credits go to whoever own these pics and hopefully it's ok for me to copy them from Google.
Sweet in white...

I LOVE this whole outfit. I think I'm gonna copy it. Light printed purple abaya with a same matching hijab. That looks like a 60" hijab to me.

Blue also looks good on her.

She has such a sweet smile that makes her whole face radiant.

This is one of the scene from the movie. Nice abaya...

Her smiles... wow...

I think this one is a promo shoot with her two leading actors. This abaya again...

Oki during a press conference with all 5 main actors & actresses. I like her attire here too.

Going somewhere with the other actors.

Nice picture.

A group pic with ... I don't know who but I love her purple attire and also the lime abaya wears by the 5th lady from the right.

And this is the two books that I'm planning to read before I found the internet link to the movie.

Last but not least, a sweet smile from Oki Setiana Dewa or just OKI.

What do you think about her style?
i give her 5 stars on her outfit choices
love it
LABUH TUDUNG DIA KAN KAK CHIK, doesn't like the other indon's actress...masukkan tudung dlm baju. yes....i like her too... mmg lawo.muka melayu lagi tu.
She looks so sweet. Now I need to read the book and watch the film! hahahaha..Not good when you have tests coming. Hehe. It's nice to know she's not only wearing it for the film...
Sorry for another post. I just realised the movie is not out yet. I must rush to read the novel first!
so sweeet!!....
remind me to one of my friend, hamidah...dont know where is she now (T_T)
Assalamu alaikum sister :o)
Masha'allah, I love her style, her outfits are adorable, colorful and feminine. Jazakallahu khair for sharing this with us, it's a great inspiration and a much needed reminder. :o)
assalammualaikum kak chik...
how about open website ketika cinta bertasbih...
U gonna find out about her background also superb...
all of the actor and actress are the chosen one..
they are not only good in the film but outside the film..
xuen - I agree.
normi - sama lah kita
Nur Amirah - yes, do that sis and later you can share your opinion about it.
annie - that's nice. to be reminded of a friend just by looking at oki, ahah! your friend, hamidah must be a beautiful girl then.
Wa'alaikummussalam Melda :o). Alhamdulillah if you found it inspiring. Hopefully more Muslim actresses would be like her.
Wa'alaikummussalam sya_ais. Insya-Allah I'll look for the KCB's website later. I already found the trailer -
So sweet! Suka sangat pemakaiannya. Mudah2an Lebih baik dari ayat2 cinta. Setahun menanti cerita ini. Setahun lepas juga mereka shooting di Mesir. Teringat memoir indah di bumi ambiya' itu.Sob sob T_T
Xsabarnya nak tgk filemnya!
Syaz, kakchik pun harap2 ceritanya lbh baik dari AAC. Yang tu baik takyah tgk filem, spoil je.
Dulu belajar kat Mesir ke?
ermm...cantik,sopan,sedap mata memandang.suke tgk oki pakai tudung labuh mcm tu.muka pun cam melayu.x macam pelakon indon yg lain.pakai tdg msk dlm baju.x sabar nk tgk KBC.
saya sgt setuju..memang xpernah jumpa lg la...xkira la sape2 pon...patotnya sebagai wanita muslimah, inilah yang harus kita pakai.macam ini lah..
she really wears it either outside n inside the story..i realy like her too..she is like one of the idol as a muslimah..
Oki sings in one of movie soundtrack. check it out:
salam kak chik..
do have her phone no?..i think , wanna invite her for a forum in Malaysia in May..
plez help me ..need to be friend with her
naurahmusyahidah, alhamdulillah sebab minat juga dgn pelakon yang menjaga auratnya ni. kita doa-doakan agar artis2 wanita yang muslim di dana atau di sini akan sama2 menjaga aurat mereka dgn baik.
ana muslimah, ramai yang belum faham untuk benar2 beramal dgn pakaian Islam sebaik-baiknya. hopefully more and more muslim artists will cover their aurah properly inside and outside the screen just like oki.
Ghiffari, really? I've got to check it out even though I'm a few months late.
Wkslm HerfianaMohdRapi.
I'm really sorry sis, I only know her through KCB. If you want to get her phone no maybe you can search for her entertaiment company or maybe you can contact Habiburrahman through his website. However I don't know his URL. Try search them online.
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