Apr 29, 2009
Apr 28, 2009
Amreena and My Shayla
This is my 4 your old niece, Amreena. She really likes imitating me. I've just received a new abaya that day and it comes with a shayla. I was trying it out in front of the mirror and she was standing there beside me looking at me and asking so many questions.
And then she said, "Chikja... Nana nak pakai tudung Chikja macam Chikja pakai pegi keje." Which basically means she wants to wear the hijab just like me when I'm off to work.
And the pictures here showed how she looks like wearing the shayla that has a niqab. She insist that she wants the niqab. Hehehe that's my niece.
After a while she wants to take it off because she said it's hot. Kids.
Apr 27, 2009
Today's Outfit
It's hot this days but I still wear the black abaya to work. My sister said that I'm crazy because it's almost 38 degrees out there. But for me it's nothing! Because I'm used to it. Only that I choose an abaya from a lighter material like the one in the set.
Do you still remember this abaya? I bought it last month or last two months at a shop in Billion Shopping Centre. And I just discovered that it's also stocked by an online boutique called Multi Top Shops (this abaya pic is credit from them). You can see their link under ABAYA lists at the lower sidebar.
Isn't it pretty? I wore wedges too, also black but not the one in the set. It's bought at Bata. Well, don't forget that I'm a niqabi but I don't put any niqab in the set. Never mind.
That's all for tonight.
Isn't it pretty? I wore wedges too, also black but not the one in the set. It's bought at Bata. Well, don't forget that I'm a niqabi but I don't put any niqab in the set. Never mind.
That's all for tonight.
Apr 25, 2009
Therapy - Qur'an and Baking Beshamel
Assalamualaikum and a very good evening to all dearest friends. Alhamdulillah, at last I can update something for today. Firstly, I'd like to thank all of you that have wished me luck in my last exam paper today (alhamdulillah, I think I did quite well) and also jazakillahi khairan kathira (tqvm) for being concern with me during my day of unhappiness. Alhamdulillah the matter is already solved and if you'd like to know some clue to it, just read my answers to all your comments in my previous post.
When I have a problem the best therapy for me is reading the Qur'an as much as I want and reflecting on what I've done that makes Allah test me that way. Alhamdulillah by reading the Qur'an my anger was gone and I can think clearer of what has happened. I felt calm and can even smile to my self after that. Really alhamdulillah.
When I have a problem the best therapy for me is reading the Qur'an as much as I want and reflecting on what I've done that makes Allah test me that way. Alhamdulillah by reading the Qur'an my anger was gone and I can think clearer of what has happened. I felt calm and can even smile to my self after that. Really alhamdulillah.

Apart from the beloved al-Qur'an, another good therapy for me is baking. After the pizza a few days ago, I kept thinking of making the famous Ange's Beshamel (I give that name because the recipe and the influence were all started from dear Ange, hehehe). Looking at her Beshamel and the way she kept talking about it has indeed makes me want to try making it too. And right after the exam, I rushed home to start the project. Look everyone, I think I've made it!

The smell is soooo good. You can even smell it from the front door of my house and it's quite far from the kitchen. My mom and dad who were just back from a visit to a relative's house came straight to the kitchen to have a look at what I've cooked.

I'd like to say THANK YOU to Ange for sharing the recipe. Alhamdulillah, it sure is very tasty and delicious... only that I forgot to put in some salf in the beshamel sauce, hehehe. Anyway it's still good because the bolognaise sauce is already salty.
I think I'm gonna do it again... maybe next week. I can't bake it everyday... not very good for my healthy diet, huhuhu.
Apr 24, 2009
3 Different Styles & Matter of the Heart

Two Awards from Dearest Friends
Assalamualaikum dear friends... Salam Jumaat to all of you wherever you are. It's my weekend day in Kelantan. This is the day when most Kelantanese would flock the mosque all over Kelantan to listen to Islamic lectures. I'm not going to any lecture today because I have revision to do.
This morning I made pancakes for the whole family and then try to focus my attention to my revision. It will be my last exam paper tomorrow and I wish to get an A for this one too. This paper is quite difficut compare to the other 2 and I think you can sense that I've been slacking in my attention to this blog. I haven't answer comments from my previous post (but gonna do it later) and I just visit a few blogs without leaving any comment.

Enjoy the pancakes for a while.
Since Jumaat or Friday is the best day for me, I'm full of gratitude to two friends who have given me an award each. Actually it's the same award but as I feel that it is not fair to show just one so I put both up here for you to see. The awards are called beautiful girls award and it really beautiful to me. THANK YOU to xuen adyla and nadia for giving me the awards. May Allah bless our friendship forever.
Look! Isn't it pretty? I don't know whether I'm a beautiful girl or not but Hubby sure think so. Alhamdulillah.

Apart from feeling this happiness alone, I think it would be good to share this award with everyone else. Since I have two, I'm gonna choose ALL MY SUPPORTERS to accept this award. Currently I have 68 supporters (followers). So, from the bottom of my heart I'd like to present this award to all of you.
Please accept it!
On this Jumaat I pray that all of you my friends will be in good health and experience many wonderful events in you life. There'll be ups and downs but I wish you will be able to go through them with confidence and full of calmness. May Allah bless us all.

Apr 22, 2009
Welcome to Kota Bharu, Kelantan!
Assalamualaikum dear readers.
It's another night when I can't focus on my revision. I blog hopping and feel so bored. Tonight Hubby should be giving an Islamic lecture at the 'kampung' mosque and he hasn't come home yet. 9.32pm. Ladies, I am bored. Hmm... maybe I just share with you about my State.
Please bear with me because I'm kind of lazy now and not a very good tourist guide. I've googled all the appropriate pictures and let's start the tour. This is not gonna be very well organized so, bear with me.
It's another night when I can't focus on my revision. I blog hopping and feel so bored. Tonight Hubby should be giving an Islamic lecture at the 'kampung' mosque and he hasn't come home yet. 9.32pm. Ladies, I am bored. Hmm... maybe I just share with you about my State.
Please bear with me because I'm kind of lazy now and not a very good tourist guide. I've googled all the appropriate pictures and let's start the tour. This is not gonna be very well organized so, bear with me.
This is the simple map of Kelantan.

My home is in a kampung (village) called Pulau Melaka, located some where in the district of Kota Bharu (state capital).
This state is ruled by the opposition party known as Malaysian Pan Islamic Party (PAS). The Chief Minister of Kelantan is the pious and humble state leader, Tuan Guru Haji Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat (pic below). We love this person because he really cares about what he preaches and his people. Ever since he became the CM the State Government has gradually implement Islamic way of life in everything under it's power. Alhamdulillah.

The Wau or kite is one of the traditional past time games. This is the traditional kite of Kelantan known as Wau Bulan or the Moon Kite. hehehe maybe because the ruling party use the moon symbol in their flag.... sorry I'm just kidding. Nowadays it is only played once in a while but we also have yearly International Kite Festival.

Samples of food that you can taste in Kelantan. Every night market have these.

Batik is the well known clothes produced by Kelantanese. It is formally wore on Thursday in every government departments in Kelantan. This pictures are only a few samples.

Another Kelantanese favourite dessert, the Dodol or glutinuos cake made from coconut milk, brown sugar, glutinuos rice and water ( I'm not so sure about the exact ingredients - need to check with Ummi). Sticky and sweet.

The beautiful teenagers of the best Islamic girls school in the state, the Maahad Muhammadi Lil Banaat. This school has produced (I don't know the right word) so many brilliant Muslimah in academic and deen.

The age old vehicle, the trishaw or locally known as 'teksi'. Don't get confuse with the taxi @ cab in your country. We do have taxis here but this one is very historic. If you want to tour the city in a laid back kind of transport, I think you should try this teksi. Slow and steady.
This is another traditional Kelantanese food known as Nasi Tumpang. A smooth sticky rice combine with either sweet sour fried prawn and fried egg or prawn gravy with 'serunding' wrapped in a cone shape banana leaf. It's so delicious and fragrant.

serunding = basically beef/chicken/fish meat fried with coconut milk, spices and cooked until dried.
You can also visit the old castle of the Kelantanese Malay Sultanate. We called it Istana Jahar or Jahar Castle. Currently it has become the Kelantan Islamic Muzeum.

The Sultan's mosque known as Masjid Sultan Ismail Petra located in Kubang Kerian. It's very big and modern compared to Masjid Kampung Laut or Masjid Muhammadi, the state mosque.

Below is the oldest mosque in Kelantan. It is called Masjid Kampung Laut located in Nilam Puri.

One of the main tourist attraction in the city center is the Padang Bas near the state mosque. This is usually where buses bringing tourists to Kota Bharu will be parked while they tour the city.

A kind of billboard that you can see around the Islamic City of Kota Bharu. Women on the billboard should be well covered. Although the Government prefers advertisement without women models it's still give some exception.

A nice view of Kota Bharu - a blend of modern and traditional.

This is inside the famous biggest wet market in Kelantan. It was rename as Pasar Besar Siti Khadijah (Siti Khadijah Wet Market) to represent the 80% women peddlers in the market and as a remembrance to the late Saiyyidatina Khadijah radiallahu anha, a well known Islamic entreprenuer.

This is the State where Malaysian Pan Islamic Party (PAS) is ruling where Islam is the most important things. Even the State anthem is MEMBANGUN BERSAMA ISLAM which means developing with Islam. Below is the picture of Kelantanese Muslimah during the recent General Election.

There lots of things that I can share about Kota Bharu and Kelantan herself but my eyes are getting sleepy and I have to iron some clothes. So... tired.
Bye now!
p/s: more info on Kota Bharu can be found in google
Apr 21, 2009
Let's Pizza !
Assalamualaikum everyone. May peace and blessings of Allah be upon you. I am in the middle of idea crisis right now and could not think of anything special that I'd like to share with you other that these two pizzas that I've baked.

Oh, my family love pizza and mind you we are not Italian but just people from a countryside in a country in the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia. But ... you know... pizza has become world food isn't it?
So... let's do pizza my friend, not at the PizzaHut or Pizzastation or Mom's Pizza but just... in my kitchen. Yum, yum...

Apr 20, 2009
For Your Eyes Only
This all my sets for Muslimah who likes to wear jeans or pants. I'll recommend this to teenagers, university students or young adults who observed hijab but still want to be a bit trendy. I think all of these ideas are aurat compliance, modest and appropriate for young Muslimahs.
A Friendship Award
Assalamualaikum to all my Muslim friends and a very good morning to any non-Muslim friends and visitors. Thank you for dropping by and take a time to read or browse through my blog. I wish all of us are in good health and feeling bright and lively as I am now.
This week started with so many works and preparations for the coming Muktamar. While at the Library, I am in the middle of sorting all kinds of magazines that we have subscribed since 2005 to be bind and just imagine we have nearly 20 titles monthly. Fuh! My back is still hurting a bit because I have to sit on the floor while doing this sorting.
Well, anyway... a lot of things have happen and so many thoughts have gone through my mind. All these make me lost my energy to write something here. I log in everyday but cannot write anything. I visited some of my friends' blog and THEN, when I'm back, I got a message from Sasha. She wanted to give me an AWARD!

This week started with so many works and preparations for the coming Muktamar. While at the Library, I am in the middle of sorting all kinds of magazines that we have subscribed since 2005 to be bind and just imagine we have nearly 20 titles monthly. Fuh! My back is still hurting a bit because I have to sit on the floor while doing this sorting.
Well, anyway... a lot of things have happen and so many thoughts have gone through my mind. All these make me lost my energy to write something here. I log in everyday but cannot write anything. I visited some of my friends' blog and THEN, when I'm back, I got a message from Sasha. She wanted to give me an AWARD!

There are rules to this award but it's in Malay. I'm gonna cut & paste it from Sasha's blog. Here they are:
That's it! I'm finish and happy to share this award with the others. I'm so sorry for not giving this award to everyone because this time I'm gonna follow the rules. Usually I just ignore them.
To all sisters (& a brother) who'll recieve this award, I thank all of you for having such an inspirational blog that I found interesting to read and respond. Most of you have been friendly to me in this blogging world. Thank you. Please accept the award.
It says that I need to deligate this award to 10 blogs which are inspirational and very friendly. After pondering for a while, I think these are the blogs that I think suite this criteria.
- Letakkan logo award ini di blog anda.
- Anugerahkan award ini kepada 10 blog yang anda anggap paling berinspirasi dan sangat mesra.
- Pastikan anda menyatakan penghargaan anda melalui 'backlink' blog yang anda anggap paling berinspirasi dan sangat mesra.
- Informasikan penerima award mengenai award yang mereka terima dengan menyatakan komen di blog mereka.
- Berbagi cinta dan sayang untuk penghargaan ini kepada pemberi anugerah ini.
- SALAMS - Baran in Ukraine
- A Voice In The Clouds - Hajar in Kuala Lumpur
- My Little Mosque - Paan Lee in Malacca
- When Angel Speak... - Xuen Adyla
- The Muslim Sister - Asha in Australia
- Mama, I Married a Masri - Ange in Australia
- The Stylomom Ponders - Stylomom in Singapore
- Simply Muslimah - Malizea in France
- Seeking Serenity - Millz in US
- Green Tea For Your Iman - Almallena in US
That's it! I'm finish and happy to share this award with the others. I'm so sorry for not giving this award to everyone because this time I'm gonna follow the rules. Usually I just ignore them.
To all sisters (& a brother) who'll recieve this award, I thank all of you for having such an inspirational blog that I found interesting to read and respond. Most of you have been friendly to me in this blogging world. Thank you. Please accept the award.
Apr 17, 2009
What do you think of our uniform?

Assalamualaikum to all my kind visitors. I'm really sorry for not being able to update earlier. Actually my days were quite hectic because I was involved in an annual meeting of our local Muslimah Islamic movement. As one of their committee members and responsible for the ICT aspects of the organization, I was a bit busy at the event.
Just don't mind about that because it's already finished earlier this afternoon. Alhamdulillah we have discussed a lot of important matters regarding women's issues and how we will improve ourselves as the da'ie of Islam.
Ok, what I'd like to share is our uniform for this event. It's between peachy and orengy, quite colourful for my taste but i have to wear it to show my support for the committee.
What do you think of this outfit? It was sponsored by the wife of our Chief Minister of Kelantan. Alhamdulillah. The material was really soft and light. In this hot local weather, I would say it was a very good choice of clothing.
Me and my Boss. Mine was made into an abaya but hers was 'baju kurung' the traditional attire of Malaysian women.
That's all for today. I'm so tired and my mind is not working very well. Not enough energy to write. Got to take a nap. Bye now.
Apr 13, 2009
Beautiful Colourful Abayats

I really like this one. So sorry, the quality of this picture is not as good as the one inside the magazine. But the colour of the abaya is purplish and I just like the design of this dress. I'm definitely going to buy it if he shop is close by.

This one is nice too.

Green is always my favourite. Lovely and look at the sleeves, so different.

My sister would really like this one. She's one purple addict.
All this photos I captured from the local magazines, KELUARGA.
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