Dec 20, 2009

Beneath This Niqaab

Asalamu alaykum warahmatulahi ta'alaa wabarakatu my dear sister in faith. I'd like to share with you all another astonishing peace of work regarding the beauty of the veil(niqab). I ask Allah swt to bless greatly the one who shared with us as well as the one that have read it and passed it along. Please keep on sharing the kheyr. Wabaraka'Allahu fiikum.Wa salamu alaykum.

Beneath this niqaab
Thoughftul lips do utter: " You envy not the life of lowliness"

Beneath this niqaab
The warmth of love has reached my station with tenderness!

Beneath this niqaab
The name of my Creator - is hung on the wall of my mind!

Beneath this niqaab
Hijab is my honor and the strongest shield of piety that i find

Beneath this niqaab
I lower my wing as I put the pride and arrogance all behind

Beneath this niqaab
I am from the magnificent nation ever produced for mankind

Beneath this niqaab
Women like Sumayyah has brought me up shoulder high

Beneath this niqaab
I encountered the fragrance of happiness in its joyous sigh

Beneath this niqaab
Nay, do I seem to care of what the blamers say or illustrate

Beneath this niqaab
I drink lovely from the Prophetic Inheritance in its pure state

Beneath this niqaab
I turn the pages of the past and to the present I gladly relate

Beneath this niqaab
Time does testify again that I am the slave of the Most Great!

Beneath this niqaab
Ah, paradise has exposed itself to me lovingly in its all beauty

Beneath this niqaab
I am proud to be among the vieled - fulfilling such worthy duty!

Beneath this niqaab
I am a Muslim woman - and indeed there is more than a flesh

Beneath this niqaab
I refuse to [drown] myself in the rivers of disgrace and stress

Beneath this niqaab
Roses in my garden astonishingly open to a colorful success

Beneath this niqaab
My heart dances with a pleasure that [words] cannot express!

This is copied from a friend's facebook account. Thank you Zahidah Zaiton.


Unknown said...

salamo aleikom sis

beautiful poem, mashaAllah.

i wear niqaab since 2 or 3 months now and i've never been happier. i feel my heart has become more humble, alhamdulilah. it really is a blessing from Allah.

may Allah give us strength, ameen

Unknown said...

Wa'alaikummussalam Safyiah.
Alhamdulillah... I'm glad to hear that sis. May Allah give you happiness in wearing the niqab and make you istiqomah.

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