Akhawat - Abaya Couture is one of the many companies that sells abayas online and this company has chosen to use facebook as their medium. My first impression seeing its collection was, WOW! Yes, mashaallah, the abaya collection is really gorgeous.
Some are very simply designed but when you look at it, you see elegant, you see beauty and you see quality. All the characters that make me like the abayas. Just take a look at this one:
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Source: Akhawat - Abaya Couture |
The design is very simple but upon looking at it I personally think this is a good quality abaya and very much my type. And look at this one too:
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Source: Akhawat - Abaya Couture |
The contrasting colour between the main body of the abaya and the sleeves and also the shayla makes the abaya look so glamour but in a modest way. I like this type of design very much.
Frankly speaking, I love most of the collections BUT there is only one problem, they are very pricey. Yeah, what do you expect from designers abayas right? They have been designing and making those abayas from A to Z and how can they sell them below MYR300?
This is the price tag for the abaya with the blue sleeves:
1480 EGP (Shipping 160EGP)
2,296,000 IDR (Shipping 250,000)
255 USD (Shipping 28USD)
255 CAD (Shipping 28CAD)
195 Euro (Shipping 22 Euro)
21,900 PKR (Shipping 2380 PKR)
790 MYR (Shipping 88 MRY)
955 SAR (Shipping 105 SAR) - copied from Akhawat - Abaya Couture
The one in red is the price in my local currency. TOO pricey.
Anyway, there are others who are able to buy these abayas. They are certainly classy abayas and I think the person who can wear them must be very rich. Lucky them.
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Source: Akhawat - Abaya Couture |
As my aim in life is to be modest so I won't be spending my money buying an abaya this expensive. I can use that much money to buy other things which are more important. I know... they are really nice to look at and I wish someone would give me one as a present, lol.
You can look at other eye candies here: Akhawat - Abaya Couture.
salam auntie...
auntie org kelantan kan...
bru ni sayer terbace...
dekat kelantan dah haramkan purdah..
wat hapen???
sayer x faham lah apa yg jdi...
i'm going there x lame lagi...
kang takut kena saman ke aper2 ke...
mohon penjelasan...
wkslm nia. ya auntie org kelantan. syukur jadi rakyat kelantan kerana negeri ini amat pentingkan agama Islam. mana ada kelantan haramkan purdah nia, itu semua tipu daya suratkhabar dan tv yang memurat belitkan kata-kata pimpinan negeri kelantan. kalau nak lihat raai org pakai niqab dgn aman, dtglah ke negeri ini. berdosanya mereka yg menyebarkan berita palsu ttg kerajaan kelantan. auntie harap nia tidak percaya.
I hate to bust your bubble but in the Gulf countries those prices are actually VERY cheap...its not uncommon for a medium-level designer or boutique chain abayaat with minimal designs to be well around $300-$400 and on up and up with real designers and boutiques between a thousand $ a pop. Even everyday PLAIN abayaat are good chain boutiques like Bedoon Essm, My Fair Lady, Al-Motahajibah are close to $100.
Only the not so good abayaat are cheapo and here in the US/West and Malaysia the abayaat we usually see are the cheapo ones in not top of line fabrics and very "eh" designs...
The reason why they are so expensive is not just the label-although for some brands thats a part of it, but also because the materials used are very superb along with construction and design elements. like a PLAIN abaya in Saudi from a designer shop or a good quality chain boutique for example puts silk/cotton blend cording on ALL edges of the abaya frm the hem to the cuffs on up. It doesnt add to the design but it adds to durability and finish as the crepe itself dopesnt wear out as fast, also most have a nrrow band of satin or silk edging on the inside hem edge, inside cuff edge and inside edge of just adds to durablity. After living in Saudi and buying the better quality abayaat I can tell you, you can NOT compare a $30 abaya to a $100 abaya even if both are plain and same cut. There are incredible differences.
Just to add these abayaat which Akhawat has, i asked...first she uses real, Gulf abayaat materials which are the same kind used in the Gulf at GOOD shops like Japanese saloona or SoftTouch material...also the beading and stones and embroidery is entirely hand-done and finished. No glueing and whatever else. Its real hand-work.
ok ...
thank you auntie...
nia terkejut jugak bile dapat tau citer tu sebab selama ni rasenye kat kelantan lah boleh nampak orang pakai tudung labuh dan purdah dengan ramainya...
tq auntie...
Salam ya,
Maaf klu apa yg dicakapkan ni menyingung perasaan, klu rasa Negeri Kelantan bagus dn pentingkan Islam, kenapa masih ramai wanita disana membuang anak ya, jadi sya rasa jika puan ingin memperkatakan islam di Negeri Kelantan tu bagus, cuba puan pandang dari sudut keseluruhannya pula, bagus ke???
Sekian, wasalam..
Wkslm Zeti.
Tidak perlu meminta maaf kerana Zeti berhak pada pandangan Zeti sendiri. Kakchik tidak mudah terasa, insyaallah. Bagi kakchik negeri ini tetap negeri yang bagus kerana sememangnya kerajaan negeri mementingkan Islam dalam segala urusan pemerintahan dan pentadbirannya. Kakchik tidak pasti Zeti ada fakta atau tidak akan jumlah org yg membuang bayi di negeri ini tapi bagi kakchik semakin kita cuba menegakkan Islam semakin banyak cabaran moral dan sosial. Kakchik memang memandang pada keseluruhannya sebab kakchik dilahirkan, hidup dan bekerja di sini. Zeti ni orang Kelantan ke atau bukan? Jika nak tahu benar atau tidak, silalah ke Kelantan. Kakchik boleh membantu.
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