Jan 13, 2011

This is how I do it

well... one of the ways. There are many ways to cover yourself but this is how I usually do.

Under the abaya, you can absolutely wear anything as long as people outside cannot see them. If you happen to wear an open front abaya, just be careful with the clothe you choose to wear under it. If you wear tights, skinny jeans, leggings, sheer dress or short skirts, people may see it because when you walk, the abaya will surely close and open naturally.



Ummi Hanie said...

bukannye kite tak boleh pakai jeans rite but wear it without being seen..;) lama xpakai jeans dan xbrape reti nk pakai pun sebenarnye...beli jeans lg xpernah..hehe

Ummi Hanie said...

btw,saya ada buat pautan link via entri ini ... Kakchik boleh nampak nanti ada link dari blog saya di bawah entri ni (klu xsilap sy) thanx ;)

Unknown said...

thanks hanie. apa pun boleh pakai hanie asalkan menutup aurat dengan sempurna. kakchik pun tak pernah pakai jeans hayat hidup ni tp ideanya boleh pakailah kalau nak pakai tp macam ni cadangannya.

terima kasih juga sb sudi buat entri dan link ke sini. kakchik sangat hargainya.

Anonymous said...

I love that abaya!!!

I don't like to wear jeans either, tak berapa selesa, but you're right we can wear absolutely anything kalau berabaya!

Ayu Rashidah @ Cik Ayu said...

salam, baru di sini...

but love that abaya..! Nak gak carik satu, mesti selesa dan rasa selamat kan...n yes, boleh pakai apa saja di dalamnya,...suka sangat.

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